Brazilian Inspired Pork Belly Tacos

This recipe looked so good that I decided to teach it in one of our UT Community Cooking Classes. It not only looked good but it tasted even better than it looked.

Pork belly is an uncured cut of meat from the underside of a pig that is often used to make bacon. It is mostly used because it has such rich, succulent flavor.  The Asian cuisine is where you will see pork belly being used most often. Though it is becoming more popular in the U.S. and European cuisines as well. Due to the high fat content it doesn't have many health benefits.So select this recipe when you are going for flavor and something a little unique.  And remember, a small bit of pork goes a long way.

porkbelly taco.jpg


Serves 4

Prep Time 


1 pound pork belly

1 cup orange juice

1 garlic clove, minced

1 dried poblano pepper, remove seeds and finely chop

1/4 teaspoon cumin

1 1/2 teaspoon fresh lime juice

2 teaspoon salt

Flour or corn tortillas (small taco or street taco size)

For serving:

Cotija cheese

Diced tomatoes



Sliced red onions

Fresh lime wedges


Preheat oven 350 degrees

Combine the pork belly, orange juice, garlic, pepper, cumin, 1 teaspoon of salt and lime juice in a roasting pan. Cook covered until tender. Remove cover and increase temperature to 400 degrees and roast until crisp and caramelized.

Remove from the oven and let it cool. Once cooled, cut it in small pieces.

You're in charge of assembling your taco with 1-2 tablespoons pork (depending on tortilla size), diced tomatoes, fresh cilantro, crumbled cotija cheese and /or a drizzle of chimichurri sauce.

Terri's Tips:

  • Flour or corn tortillas can be used. I personally prefer corn.
  • The pork belly can be made in advance and stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. Reheat it in a 400 degree oven for 10-15 minutes, until sizzling.
  • If you don't want to spend the money for pork belly or it is difficult to find use left over shredded pork roast. Prepare the roast with the same ingredients. Adjust cooking time according to size of roast. The meat should be fork tender.

Make it your own:

You can always change ingredients, add to or leave out according to your taste. A few suggestions include:

  • Use Cheddar or Monteray Jack cheese
  • If you don't have chimichurri sauce, any salsa can be used in it's place
  • Use ground beef, grilled fish or shredded beef roast. A great way to use leftovers.
  • For you genetic anti-cilantro folks, try parsley, basil or shredded lettuce