Pan Seared Beef Tips in a Red Wine Sauce

Cutting the beef into bite sized pieces creates a fast and easy meal. The red wine and broth add a rich flavor to the meat. The beef tips can be used in so many ways; on top of your favorite salad greens, in a delicious sandwich wrap or serve over pasta.

I also like to serve as an appetizer with a good bottle of red wine.

Serves 4


1-1½ pound top sirloin beef steak, cut into bite size pieces
1/3 cup red wine, light body
1/3 cup beef broth
2 tablespoons butter
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


Heat large skillet on med high heat until hot. Add butter. When butter has melted. Season the steak with salt and pepper and add to skillet in a single layer, careful not to over crowd the pan. Sear on one side. Add wine and broth and continue to cook shaking pan to turn steak pieces, about 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and serve.

Cooking Wiser:
To cut fat and calories replace the butter with cooking oil

Make it your own by adding garlic, add to the meat while searing
Add any herbs that you like for additional flavor, such as tarragon or thyme.