Mexican Coffee

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We first saw this coffee being made 25 years ago on our first trip together to Mexico. It was fun to watch and delicious to drink. We were delighted when we recently revisited Mexico years later to find that they are still making the drink. This time we got pictures and a recipe. There are many variations but we like this one.


  • 1-2 ounces 151-proof rum
  • 1-2 ounces Kahlua
  • 1 ounces brandy
  • About 3 ounces brewed coffee
  • Enough lemon juice to rim the glass
  • Enough sugar, brown sugar or Spiced Sugar to rim the glass
  • Several pinches ground cinnamon and nutmeg
  • Whipped cream or heavy cream, to taste

    You'll also need a coffee mug or other piece of heat-resistant stemmed glassware
    Two small bowls or plates suitable for rimming the glass
    A long match or lighter
    A fire extinguisher , just in case


    To rim the glass, you'll need two shallow bowls, each with a larger diameter than the rim of the glass. Put the lemon juice in one bowl and the sugar in the other. Dip the rim of the glass into the lemon juice and then, while it is still wet, dip it into the sugar. The sugar will stick to the rim of the glass.

    Pour the 151-proof rum into the wine glass. Carefully tilt the glass and light the rum with a long match. Keep everything away from the flame including your hair. Slowly swirl the flaming rum to slightly melt the sugar on the rim of the glass. You can also pour the flaming rum from one glass to another for dramatic effect.

    When the sugar has slightly caramelized, sprinkle the ground nutmeg and cinnamon over the drink. The spices will flavor the drink and add sparks to the flaming rum.

    Quickly and carefully pour the Kahlua on top of the cocktail. Be careful not to pour from too high or the flaming rum may splash out of the glass.

    Garnish the top with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

    Other variations include
    Use Amaretto to replace the brandy
    Omit the brandy and just use Kahlua
    Garnish with ice cream