Food and Wine Dinner Club

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French cooking is an art and the chef is the artist. The task is to prepare something wonderful to eat. The excellence of French cooking is really about technique and using the best ingredients available and our Food and Wine Dinner Club members have mastered the art of French cooking. As Julia would say, "the most important ingredient you can bring to it is love of cooking for its own sake".

But obviously since our club is a Food and Wine dinner club it isn't all about the food. The wine is just as important. And French wine is among some of the best wine in the world. After all they have been making it for thousands of years. They should know how by now. We enjoyed several varietals, including reds and rose.

This Food and Wine dinner was an explosion of flavors, one dish after the other. The wines were perfectly selected for each recipe, leaving us with a true "French" experience right in Tennessee.

On the menu:

Pate Maison
Paired with a sparkling Rose

Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Blackberry Barbeque Sauce
Paired with a French Grenache

Camamelized Onion Tart
Paired with a Rose

Scallops in cream sauce
Coquilles Saint Jacque
Paired with a Rose

Paired with a Syrah

Served with dessert wine