Classic Crepe Suzette

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Crepe is French for very thin pancake. Other countries have their version, the Mexican enchilada, the Chinese egg roll and the Italian cannelloni and everyone will agree that they are elegant, economical and delicious. The dessert crepes are the most popular by far and this recipe is a traditional French favorite.
Serve the crepes with a French Sauternes or a semi dry Champagne or sparling wine.

Serves 6
Prep time: 15 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes


  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 large orange
  • ½ cup butter, softened
  • 6 dessert crepes
  • ¼ cup Grand Marnier
  • 2 tablespoons dark rum


    Juice the orange and lemon, should be about ½ cup of juice. Add 1 tablespoon sugar to juice. Cream butter with remaining 1 tablespoon sugar. Cover and refrigerate until needed. At serving time, warm the creamed butter in a chafing dish. Add orange juice and cook briskly, stirring until sauce thickens. Place a crepe into the sauce and quickly turn crepe and fold into quarters. Move folded crepes to side of pan and arrange in overlapping circles as they are sauced. Pour the Grand Marnier and rum into a sauce pan and heat, then pour over crepes. Ignite with a long match. Gently slide the pan back and forth over the heat making sure each crepe is covered with sauce. Serve right away.

    Basic Dessert Crepe recipe:
    4 eggs
    1 cup flour
    2 tablespoon sugar
    1 cup milk
    ¼ cup water
    1 tablespoon melted butter

    In a medium bowl, beat the eggs. Gradually add the flour and sugar alternately with milk and water beating with electric mixer or whisk until smooth. Beat in butter. Refrigerate batter at least 1 hour. Add enough batter to lightly cover the bottom of a traditional crepe pan and cook until slightly golden, flip and cook until golden on the other side. Makes about 20 crepes.

    Terri's Tips

  • Crepes can be made ahead and refrigerated for 1-2 days or freeze individually with wax paper between each crepe
  • Don't cheat on the refrigeration time for the batter, it relaxes the gluten and creates light, airy crepes
  • Use a crepe pan with a heavy bottom for even cooking and best results

    Cooking Wiser

    sometimes we want to save time by buying ready made products and sometimes those products are really very good. If you find a brand of crepes that you like then I say, "save the time and spend the extra money."

    Make it your own
    The basic crepe recipe can change into a completely different crepe by adding a 1/2 teaspoon dried herbs, cocoa powder, or orange zest