Jalapenos with Goat Cheese and Bacon

Some like it hotter than others and depending on the heat of your Jalapeno, these can set you on fire or put your fire out. The heat comes mainly from the seeds and inside membrane. Remove those and you will decrease the heat. Just like wine, the weather plays an important role on the flavor of the pepper. The more rain, the less flavor.

Makes 16 bites
Prep time: 8 minutes
Total time: 23 minutes


  • 8 fresh jalapenos, cut in half lengthwise, remove seeds
  • 4 ounces goat cheeses, softened
  • 2 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 4 slices hickory smoked bacon, cut in half and partially cooked


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix together cream cheese and goat cheese. Stuff each jalapeno with equal portions of the cream cheese. Wrap bacon around each stuffed jalapeno. Place on a baking sheet with the cheese side up. Bake until bacon is done and cheese has slightly melted.

    Terri’s Tips:

  • Wear gloves when seeding the jalapenos and don’t touch your eyes.
  • Bring cheeses to room temperature about 1 hour prior to mixing
  • Can secure bacon in place with a toothpick or place the seam of the wrap on the bottom of the pepper or place a slice of bacon on top of each jalapeno slice
  • Partially cook the bacon in the microwave about 2-3 minutes depending on your microwave

    Cooking Wiser:

  • use low fat cream cheese
  • save time by mixing and stuffing the day before

    Make It Your Own
    Try a different cheese by adding 4 ounces smoked cheddar, Gouda, or Monterey Jack, et. to the cream cheese (omit the goat cheese)