Blue Cheese and Sauternes

Blue Cheese and Sauternes:
An amazing and delicious combination of flavors.

Our wine club celebrated another fantastic dinner enjoying old world wines with old world dishes from France. The wines have the complexity and intensity to match the salty, rich and creamy textures and flavors of the cheese. The two together were perfect.

The Sauternes was a 2005 Grand Cru Classe, Chateau d Arche from the Bordeaux region of France. All Sauternes are sweet, meaning that all the sugar did not turn into alcohol during fermentation. Sauternes produces one of the greatest sweet wines in the world. A classified chateau will have wines with intensity of flavor, increasing the price. But the enjoyment is worth the splurge.

Blue Cheese is a cheese made with added cultures of mold Penicillium added, creating a cheese that is spotted or veined with blue, blue-gray or blue green mold. If you are allergic to penicillin you may want to avoid blue cheese. But if you love blue cheese, you can enjoy with wine, add to salads or try my Gorgonzola and White Bean Soup