Fried Green Tomatoes

It's time to pick the last of the garden produce in Tennessee. While the weather has given us an extra long growing season, it is coming to an end so I picked about 30 green tomatoes and fried them this weekend.

Dennis and I sat on the back deck and ate half of them with cheese, homemade bread and olive oil. To complete our relaxing evening, we opened a bottle of Chamisal stainless Chardonnay. I was shocked to find....

That the Chardonnay was delicious with the fried green tomatoes. It brought out the sweetness of the wine- truly amazing! Enjoy
Serves 6
Prep time: 5 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes


  • 6 medium green tomatoes
  • 2 cups self rising cornmeal
  • Dash Kosher salt
  • ½ cup cooking oil


    Slice tomatoes and lightly salt.
    Dredge the tomatoes in the cornmeal.

    Heat oil in non stick skillet. Fry each tomato until golden brown.
    Remove and drain on paper towel lined plate.

    Terri’s Tips:

  • Turn the tomatoes only once- when brown on one side, flip them over to brown on the other side.
  • You will find many ways to fry green tomatoes, but this is my favorite way. Often I add okra to the mix. Just cover sliced okra with the cornmeal and add in with the tomatoes
  • To store the left overs, place on a baking sheet in a single layer and freeze. Remove and place into sealable bags. When you are ready to eat, remove from freezer, place on baking sheet and heat for 15-20 minutes until hot and crispy.

    Cooking Wiser:

  • The good ole Southern style of cooking always includes frying, butter and cream, but you can oven bake these to decrease the calories. Simply dredge the tomatoes in the cornmeal, spray with little cooking oil and bake on a baking pan at 400 degrees F until brown on top.

    Make it your own

  • Serve the fried green tomatoes topped with goat cheese and tomato salsa;

    lime and cilantro aioli; or make it into a BLFGT (bacon, lettuce, fried green tomato) sandwich

  • Try my recipe for 5 spiced crab with Creole Fried tomatoes served on baby greens- this recipe provides a different way to fry the tomatoes