Cooking for students

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I recently did a cooking demo at a local middle school for parents, teachers and students. The kids were my assistants and they were fantastic. I had as much fun as they did and look forward to seeing them again. It truly inspired me to provide more family oriented meals for everyone to enjoy. I was delighted when one of the moms sent me this note.

Dear Terri,

Thank you so much for taking the time to come out and teach us Healthier ways to eat well!!!
I made your healthy version of chicken alfredo and your basil pesto (with my fresh garden basil) and I am happy to say that it was a Huge hit!!! All five of us were a member of the clean plate club!!!
I involved my middle school son in the cooking and WOW!!! You were sooooo right!!! There was more than dietary health gained in the kitchen last night. The pride he took in the meal and prep was amazing, and I so much enjoyed sharing that time with him .
Talking, chopping, seasoning the chicken and a relationship all at the same time!!! My other kids saw this and now they want to each cook a healthy meal for the family. We visited your website and have picked more delicious choices to try. I bookmarked the site and am well on my way to cooking meals and making it a priority to bring the "Spice" back to my kitchen & family meals. It truly inspired us, Thanks to you and your willingness to share your talents with others.

Best Regards,
Gresham Middle School