Dessert Fruit Pizza

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This Wine and Food Pairing was such a hit at our last Wine Club dinner that I thought I would share it with everyone else. Since there are so many wonderful fruits in season now, I decided to make a dessert pizza, in keeping with our wine dinner pizza theme. The wine was a 2008 Icewine from Germany. The blending of fruits and the crisp acidity from both the wine and dessert was truly wonderful. Serve the Icewine chilled and “let the flavors begin”.

Serves 12
Prep time: 15 minutes
Total time: 55 minutes


  • Cookie dough for crust (see Terri’s Tips)
  • 8 ounce cream cheese
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla
  • Variety of Fruit (I used strawberries, peaches, mangos, kiwi and blueberries)


    Roll cookie out onto a pizza stone and bake according to recipe. Remove from oven and cool completely. In a medium bowl, whip cream cheese until creamy, add sour cream, sugar and vanilla and continue to mix until blended. Using a spatula, spread cream cheese mixture evenly over cookie. Peel and slice peaches, mango and kiwi, slice strawberries. Top pizza with fruit and chill for 30 minutes up to 4 hours before serving.

    Terri’s Tips:

  • Use Cooking Light’s Vanilla Bean Shortbread recipe for the cookie dough. It is the best shortbread recipe I have ever had and it has less fat than most other recipes. Find the recipe on my website:
  • Slice the strawberries a few hours in advance adding about 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Cook the blueberries with a little honey for about 3-5 minutes enhancing the flavor and color
  • Slice the cookie into desired portions after you ice it with the cream cheese, making it much easier to manage, then top it with the fruit
  • Change fruit according to what is in season. Other great fruits include pineapple, bananas, raspberries, plums, and even grapes
  • Other fruit pizza ideas:
    Replace sour cream with ½ cup peanut butter and top with a variety of apples, try adding bananas and peanuts
    Replace the powdered sugar with caramel and top with apples and crushed walnuts
    Check out my website in December for a wonderful Christmas version of this pizza

    Cooking Wiser:

  • Use lowfat cream cheese and sour cream
  • If you want to save time (but it won't be as good:o)) use a refrigerated cookie dough