Gentle Leviathans, Where Are You?
"Gentle Leviathans, Where Are You?" is the title of a thoughtful blog report by Kathryn Taubert at The author had just returned from Utila (Honduras) where she had hoped to swim with whale sharks. Utila is usually such a reliable sighting spot of whale sharks to warrant the presence of a Whale Shark & Oceanic Research Center, and Taubert's concern is that the whale sharks behavior may have changed due to the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. [See Gentle Leviathans, Where Are You?] -- Posted Monday, May 23, 2011 by chb
DEMA launches DiveCaching
The Diving Equipment Marketing Association (DEMA) has officially launched their new real-life, environmentally-friendly, in-water game called DiveCaching. DiveCaching is an underwater variation of “Geocaching,” a decade-old game that uses a GPS device and simple search skills to locate hidden land-based caches. For more information about DiveCaching, including finding and hiding a cache visit -- Posted Tuesday, May 17, 2011 by chb
Advice for those who seek dive jobs in exotic locations
Anyone who's ever thought of leaving the daily griund here in the US and work as a dive master in some tropical location should take a look at a post and a great response at The detailed response provides a lot of valuable and realistic information. [See Looking to Leave America for Koh Tao for a scuba life] -- Posted Wednesday, May 11, 2011 by chb
Visiting and diving the Georgia Aquarium Encountering sharks in the wild is rarer than one might think. Many divers never see a shark, and for many others it is a once in a lifetime experience. But if spotting any shark underwater is an uncommon occurrence, the chance of encountering a whale shark is practically nil unless you go on special whale shark trips, and even then success isn't guaranteed. There is, however, a way to not only see whale sharks, several of them, but also more sharks than most divers will ever see, all in one dive. That's when you dive the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta... [read about diving the Georgia Aquarium] -- Posted Sunday, May 8, 2011 by chb