Book review: The Cavern Kings, by Jeff Bauer Author/cave diving instructor Jeff Bauer's independent but immaculately executed book "The Cavern Kings" (288 pages in print; also available as eBook) tells the tale of three friends who, after a close call underwater, decide to take a cavern diving class. It's a story of friendship, relationships, personal goals, triumph and tragedy. While a work of fiction, there is a great deal of detail on cavern diving, making the book both entertaining as well as informative. See review of "The Cavern Kings"] -- Posted Monday, January 21, 2013 by chb
The Treasure Hunter, and how one thing leads to another
Blog entry: "This isn't totally scuba-related, but it's close enough. And it's another interesting example how one thing can lead to another and then to another. So I am in Roatan at CoCo View resort, listening to resident expert Doc Radawski's most interesting lecture on Roatan's history, politics and general dynamics. That included a chapter on treasure hunting, which is always an interesting subject..." [Read more] -- Posted Monday, January 14, 2013 by chb
Liquid Image announces even tinier Ego Mini HD action camera At the 2013 CES in Las Vegas, Liquid Image, makers of the video mask, introduced the Ego Mini WiFi-enabled sports camera that's even smaller than the already tiny Ego that we recently used for video diving off Roatan. The Ego Mini measures 1.6 x 0.85 x 2.0 inches and was designed to fit inside helmets for unobtrusive use and reduction of wind resistance. The Ego Mini can take 12mp stills, record 1080p/30 and 720p/60 video, an cost US$199.99, with a deepwater housing optionally available. -- Posted Thursday, January 10, 2013 by chb
Liquid Image EGO camera underwater video Liquid Image, the folks who make the video masks that we always take on our dive trips, introduced the stylish little EGO mountable HD vidcam and tested a couple on our recent product review trip to Roatan. About the size of a GoPro but rounded and colorful, the 1080p-capable EGO comes with WiFi, a smartphone interface app, and runs just US$179.99, or US$219.99 with an underwater housing. We used it with and without an optional Liquid Image torch. [See video we shot with the LiquidImage EGO on YouTube.] -- Posted Monday, January 7, 2013 by chb